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we support young people who are homeless, unemployed, in conflict with the law or threatened by sexual exploitation

We have over 30 years of experience in developing and providing powerful & innovative personal development courses nationally and internationally, benefitting individuals, staff and organisations.



Read on to find out more about our programmes.

We run programmes in the UK and MALAWI

for young people with difficult histories,

for people who work with people

& for corporations.


Centred around nourishing the wellbeing and effectiveness of individuals, our courses are real game-changers for staff and organisations

& life-changing for young people



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reflection & training

for people who work with people


West Coast of Scotland

A restorative two-component wilderness experience, designed to nourish, reconnect and recharge individuals and to re-energise, complement and enhance their work ethic and skills through training in the Chance for Change methodology.


Read on to find out how you or your staff could benefit from this course.


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wellbeing & capacity building for corporate staff

Ardnamurchan, West Coast of scotland

 Increase mental wellbeing, performance, clarity and organisational capacity through this powerful wilderness-based training course.


Your staff will be able to destress, clear their mind and recharge by reconnecting with their own core, with others and with nature and will learn how to make this connectedness the basis for your enhanced corporate operations.


Read on to find out how you and your organisation could benefit from this capacity-building course

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for young people with difficult histories

Ardnamurchan, West Coast of Scotland

Adventurous personal development journeys using the transformative power of wild places enabling young people with challenging life circumstances move towards successful and independent adulthood.


Lilongwe, Malawi

An innovative & highly successful residential rehabilitation centre and powerful learning environment providing young male offenders, as well as children who have been removed from adult prisons, with skills and a foundation which empowers them to lead successful and economically independent lives free from crime. Read on to find out how this programme turns lives around.

Mechanic busy with maintenance in a car.


Lilongwe, Malawi


A safe space and powerful growing movement enabling children and young women to break away from sexual abuse, exploitation and trafficking. 


This programme supports victims of abuse in their healing process, enables them to gain confidence & control over their lives and achieve economic independence.


Pioneers of Change graduates are supported to form powerful support networks which protect other girls from becoming victims.

We are passionate about being a catalyst for positive social change

Our highly qualified staff team live and breathe their passion for initiating positive change by building wellbeing, resilience and strength in individuals and organisations. We have strong values and vast combined knowledge and in-depth experience in national and international development work and capacity building in people and organisations.


We operate as a cloud charity -without a fixed head office and using technology for communication as much as possible- which keeps our overhead costs to an absolute minimum, ensuring that a maximum amount of charitable investments goes to programme recipients.


We are committed to permanently refining, developing and providing a methodology and solutions that have the wellbeing of each individual at their heart and are aimed at having a long-term and sustainable positive impact.


Chance for Change has an outstanding reputation nationally and internationally. Our highly committed staff team in Malawi have built high trust relationships with communities, courts, police and government bodies. With the trust and support of communities behind us, our programmes and campaigns have an exceptional power and reach.

Interested in finding out more or getting involved?

Get in touch!

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Chance for Change, established in 2011, is a UK registered not-for-profit organisation.


Registered Charity SC041351

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